Wednesday 7 May 2008

My Evaluation....

I have thoroughly enjoyed this module, as it has been my elective, it had made a nice change. I have enjoyed learning about “Being Bad” from an academic point of view and learning that there is more that meets the eye, and different reasons to why and what happens or has happened. Also, it was good to meet people from other courses that I would not have met otherwise. Now I am curious whether there will be a similar module for level two as an elective???

My Comment

I commented on Narzias page...

I think that the majority of people lie to save themselves, and not to protect others, even though some many think that it’s a good excuse: “I was looking out for you”
If you have to lie to someone, the majority of the time it is because you have got yourself into a situation that you want to get out of. Another obvious form is lying on behalf on someone. I agree with this post, as many people do tend to lie on a regular basis, but others don’t, it is a lifestyle choice that some people choose, and others do not…

My Comment

I commented on Misbahs page...

I agree with this comment. There are many different forms of prostitution, and it is scary to think that certain people think that it is acceptable, and a way of life.Jeremy Kyle explains… is in no ways glamorous as some make it out to be. a lot of women think it is a glamorous way of making easy money, but the truth is the opposite. Many women are killed, raped and abused in the form of “trade” and as it is illegal there no a lot that the police or other people can do. Usually it is found that women sell their body to pay for an addiction...

Saturday 3 May 2008

Pre-Nup on the Rise...

Despite the vows “now and forever” its now, not until the next one comes along, or until iv had enough. Weddings are now perceived as statement, a career more, or a way for some quick cash!!! Increasing numbers of couples are drawing up pre-nuptial agreements to protect their assets and avoid messy divorces if their marriages break down.
Almost eight out of 10 (77 per cent) leading matrimonial lawyers say demand for the agreements has risen over the past year among those about to get married.
It is thought the estimated £10million cost of Sir Paul McCartney’s divorce from Heather Mills has spurred more couples on to work out the division of their assets before their weddings.
Engaged couples may also have been encouraged to draw up pre-nups after the publication of recent figures which suggested almost half of new marriages will end in divorce.

But is the rise of the pre-nup all good news? 'I think it's rather sad that people are thinking about the end of their relationship before it's even had a chance to get off the ground,' says Denise Knowles, a counsellor with the marriage guidance service Relate. For many people likely to embark upon a pre-nup, the point of the exercise is about enshrining inequality. 'What is that saying about your attitude towards your partner?' asks Knowles. 'Financially, there might be an incredible inequality, but does that mean there is an inequality running through the relationship? Is that the idea? You need to be very clear because, emotionally, that can be very damaging.'

Is lying right or wrong?

Lying is communication with the intention of creating a false belief. A sarcastic statement which is not intended or expected to create a false belief is not a lie, even if it creates a false belief. If a statement is true, but the communicator believes it is false, it still counts as a lie.
Although self-deception is possible, it is difficult to accomplish with full consciousness and intention. Therefore, lying is most often done by one person to one or more others.
Lies are typically motivated by a desire to persuade others to act or to refrain from acting in a certain manner -- or to make decisions in one's favor. Sex, money, status, power, love -- anything desired can provide temptation to kill, steal or lie. But lies can be motivated by nothing other than the creation of a false (misleadingly favorable or unfavorable) image or the fabrication of an entertaining story.

Thursday 1 May 2008

My Comment

i commented on Rachel Summers page on Drugs....

I totally agree with this comment. These musicians are role models and young people want to be like the famous people that they see on stage. On the Wright Stuff last week, he was explaining that girls under the age of 16 mostly look up to Amy Winehouse as a role model? So that is thousands of young girls wanting to be act and look like her, so what is the main thing that she is known for, besides the big hair? Drugs…. Should we let innocent children be exposed to this lifestyle and treat it as normal?

This man is SICK!!!

A 73-year-old Austrian is under arrest on suspicion of hiding his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering seven children with her, police say.
The existence of the woman, believed missing since 1984 and now 42, emerged after a teenager said to be her daughter was taken to hospital.
The police issued a statement giving details of the alleged abuses Elisabeth recounted to them. She said she had been sexually abused by her father since the age of 11. Josef allegedly lured her into the cellar of their house in Amstetten on 28 August 1984, drugging and handcuffing her before locking her up.
It was assumed she had disappeared voluntarily when her parents received a letter from her asking them not to search for her.

"Abused continuously during the 24-year-long imprisonment", Elisabeth bore six children while a seventh, one of a set of twins, died soon after birth.
The dead baby was allegedly taken out of the cellar and burnt by Josef.

How can someone do this to their own daughter? His children were his grandchildren? This is the worsth thing I think that could be imaginably done possible!! She had her fathers children! What punishment would be great enough for this man? Nothing!

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Gordon Brown: Cannabis

Gordon Brown's desire to see cannabis reclassified as a Class B drug has received a setback after it emerged that the Government's drug advisory body has decided to recommend it stays in the less serious Class C category.

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) decided at a private meeting yesterday that it will not recommend reclassifying the drug, after 20 of its 23 experts voted there was not sufficient new scientific evidence to justify a change, The Times has learned.
If confirmed, the decision puts the council on a collision course with the Prime Minister, who this week spoke of his determination to send a signal to young people that the use of cannabis was “unacceptable”.

Mr Brown indicated his strong support for reclassifying cannabis as a Class B drug as recently as his monthly Downing Street news conference on Tuesday.

Not going to happen mate, you are not going to pay the police more so therefore they are not going arrest those smoking weed. I don't see the point in making a class B drug as its a soft drug anyway, it does really do that much harm, let people get high, atleast they'l be happy and off it, and they can't exactly go rob a bank, just stare at a tree for a couple of hours!!

Being Bad: The Career Move

Sometimes being bad can pay off…
Take Kate Moss for an example… The Daily Mirror of London ran front page photographs that, it claimed, showed Ms. Moss cutting and snorting cocaine in a London photo studio where Babyshambles, the band of her boyfriend, Pete Doherty, was in the middle of a recording session.
The pictures looked gritty, candid and sufficiently libel-proof that both images and coke-snorting allegations were soon plastered like sleazy wallpaper across the blogosphere. The immediate effect on Ms. Moss's career was less than promising. She was booted by a group of the clients who had made her one of the richest women in her industry, with estimated annual earnings of $9 million. Ms. Moss simultaneously discovered that lucrative contracts with longstanding clients like Burberry and Chanel were not renewed or else dropped. And while she stopped short of admitting to drug use, Ms. Moss did what spin doctors always advise troubled clients to do in a pinch: issue an apology and head for the hills. In Ms. Moss's case, the hills surrounded an Arizona clinic where she went to treat "the various personal issues I need to address," as she said in a prepared public statement, "and to take the difficult yet necessary steps to resolve them."
Yet a strange thing happened to Kate Moss on the way to rehab. Far from becoming a pariah or experiencing a serious fall from public grace, she developed an unexpected level of luster. The 32-year-old woman who has been the subject of controversial press since she was discovered at 14, the onetime waif, the person pilloried for allegedly promoting anorexia, the freewheeling seductress of the British tabloids, the tempestuous destroyer of hotel rooms, the confidante and bosom buddy of Anita Pallenberg and other rock chick survivors from the heyday of hard drugs, found herself bumped up a notch to the status of that most nebulous of beings, the cultural avatar.
And even before the model had checked out of the drying-out clinic, she was inundated in attention and work. W magazine ran a cover story on Kate Moss in November 2005. Vanity Fair made her its cover subject the following month. An issue of the influential fashion magazine French Vogue was dedicated to Ms. Moss, who also served as guest editor.
If her notoriety was bad for the brand, it is hard to see how. Even as the London police were questioning Ms. Moss in January, clients were clamoring for her services. Already by early 2006 she had booked campaigns with Virgin Mobile, Dior, Roberto Cavalli and CK Jeans. She had renewed her contracts with the leather and accessories company Longchamp and, it was rumored in the industry, also with Burberry, whose runway show in Milan she attended in February as the front-row guest of Rose Marie Bravo, the company's chief executive. "It shows how relevant she is," Jenn Ramey, Ms. Moss's American agent, said this week, just days after Nikon introduced a new campaign for its Coolpix S6 digital camera built around a series of photographs of a mostly naked Ms. Moss.

Body Modification: Katie Price AKA Jordan!!!

I was watching Katie and Peter (as you do) and Katie Price said something interesting about her perception on mody modification.
For those of you that live under a rock, Katie Price is a famous glamour model known for her plastic surgery, Peter Andre and Playboy.

Katie Price stated that because she has the money, she can buy designer clothes, designer car, so why not buy a designer body? If she isn’t happy with something, she can go to the plastic surgeon and fix it?

Why not?

My Comment

I commented on Fatimas page...

I agree with this comment. most men do not care who they f***ing as they have their brain between their legs, but us women, (except for the Samantha Jones' out there) need to have a reason to why they have sex with who they sleep with. it is said that when women have sex, it realises a hormone that makes his emotionally attached to the person were sleeping with?

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Using Religion as an Excuse? Being too religios (pt 2)

I think the idea of being too religious can stem into two parts.
Part One: Wanting to spread your religion to help others and reduce the risk of sin
Part Two: Brainwashed to follow a country or to gain personal acheivments.

Part One: the typical “Ned Flanders” – devoted to God want to encourage the Christian community to follow the religion. –becomes too religious when it starts to affect people’s lives and to disturb them….

Part Two: People who have gone too far to use their religion as an excuse to hurt others and to promote actions that they want. Ie “Birmingham Six” certain types of “Jihad”

However, the definition of a Jihad:
“Sometimes called the "sixth pillar of Islam," this word has two meanings: 1. The "greater jihad" is "striving" of any kind, particularly moral; the struggle to be a better person, a better Muslim, the struggle against drugs, against immorality, against infidelity, etc. 2. Holy war in agreement with the Shari'ah: only undertaken when the faith is threatened and at the approval of a religious authority such as a mullah, though this is a difficult distinction (the "lesser jihad").”

There is no part of the Islamic Religion that states that it is acceptable to commite suicde-if anything it goes against the religion!

The prohibition of suicide has also been recorded in authentic statements of hadith. For example; "He who commits suicide by throttling shall keep on throttling himself in the Hell-fire, and he who commits suicide by stabbing himself, he shall keep stabbing himself in the Hell-fire."

Hadith - Bukhari 7:670, Narrated Abu Huraira
The Prophet said, "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever."

Therefore can one really state that one is being too religious? Or using religion as an excuse?

Friday 25 April 2008

Too Religious? Or conspiracy?


I think that this subject was one of the most sensitive topics that we have touched upon in our lectures. This is because what people perceive as being too religious, may be seen as racist or judgemental. This is because we all have a freedom of speech and this should be able to be applied to religion. The notion of being too religious promotes issues and concerns with issues concerning the war and terrorism. However, I feel that these are not acts of religion, but of power or by secret services. For example; the idea of the twin towers. I believe that this was conducted by the Americans to unite them as a country and a simple reason for them to go to the East for a “war” when they are really robbing the oil. Is it a coinsitent that 3000 Jews had the day off work?

Claims relating to the hijackers
The BBC and the Daily Telegraph reported on September 23 that some of the people named as the hijackers by the FBI were actually "alive and well".One of them was Waleed al-Shehri, who they said they had found in Casablanca, Morocco. Abdulaziz Al Omari, Saeed Alghamdi, and Khalid al-Midhar, three other hijackers, were all said to be living in the Middle East. On September 19, the FDIC distributed a "special alert" which listed al-Mihdhar as alive (the Justice Department later said this was a typographical error). These reports have led to claims that the names of the hijackers may be incorrect, or that the hijacking scenarios outlined in the 9/11 Commission Report may not be the truth.
A variety of conspiracy theories question the mainstream account of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. Many of these allegations state that individuals in the government of the United States knew of the impending attacks and intentionally failed to act on that knowledge. Some go further and state that the attacks were a false flag operation carried out by high-level officials in the U.S. government. The suspected motives were to use the attacks as a pretext to justify overseas wars, to facilitate increased military spending, and to restrict domestic civil liberties.
Many of the theories have been voiced by members of the 9/11 Truth Movement a name adopted by some organizations and individuals who question the mainstream account of the attacks. Some 9/11 Truth Movement members question the accuracy of the mainstream account of the attacks, and they are committed to further investigation while others claim that the collapse of the World Trade Center was the result of a controlled demolition and/or that United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down. Some also contend that a commercial airliner did not crash into the Pentagon; this position is debated within the Truth Movement, many of whom believe that AA Flight 77 did crash there, but that it was allowed to do so via an effective stand down of the military.
Published reports by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology rejected the controlled demolition hypothesis. Final scientific reports by structural engineers regarding the collapse of WTC 7 are still pending. The community of civil engineers generally accepts the mainstream account that the impacts of jets at high speeds in combination with subsequent fires, rather than controlled demolition, led to the collapse of the Twin Towers.

America is a place of independce? The country of freedom?

Watch this link….

Thursday 24 April 2008


I think that the notion of suicide is for those who need and want to escape life. It can stem from depression or something that has happened in your life. In many religions, it is a sin and a crime to kill youself and I totally agree. Those people who kill themselves are cowards and unable to live up to the concequences of their life or their actions. However, I think there is a difference between atempted suiced. I think that those people that do that are crying for help, as it is easy enough to kill yourself and to get it wrong, it’s obviously a cry for help. I found this weirde, interesting sight on suicde… see what you think…

Other sourcs

Monday 21 April 2008

Shoplifters and Scams

In the 21st century, to not have something makes you want to more, and we are the generation that cannot go without, so people as young as 7 are becoming shoplifters. Shoplifting (also known as commercial burglary) is stealing of products for sale in an establishment in exchange for money. It is one of the most common crimes in the United Kingdom and the number of cases are increasing, and it is becoming more and more common.

But what also is a growing trend, are cons known as “scams”. This is where the con artist will pick a target and deceive and swindle them to a degree where the victim will willing or unwillingly give up money, goods and information.

“Con artists make money through deception. They lie, cheat and fool people into thinking they've happened onto a great deal or some easy money, when they're the ones who'll be making money. If that doesn't work, they'll take advantage of our weaknesses -- loneliness, insecurity, poor health or simple ignorance. The only thing more important to a con artist than perfecting a con is perfecting a total lack of conscience.”

The method for a financial scam is extremely precise. Although script variations are infinite, the basic plot never changes. The best description is found in The Big Con: The Story of the Confidence Man by David W. Maurer (page 4):
In the big con games the steps are these:
1. Locating and investigating a well-to do mark
2. Gaining your confidence
3. Steering you to meet the insideman
4. Permitting the insideman to show you how you can make a large amount of money
5. Allowing you to make a substantial profit
6. Determining exactly how much you will invest
7. Sending you home for this amount of money
8. Playing you against a big store* and fleecing you
9. Getting you out of the way as quietly as possible
10. Forestalling action by the law

Sunday 20 April 2008

Plastic Vs Plastic


Plastic surgery is a medical subject that uses a figure of surgical and non-surgical procedure to modify and transform the look and function of someone’s body. “Plastic surgery procedures include both cosmetic enhancements as well as functionally reconstructive operations.” Plastic surgeons typically mold and reshape the following tissues of the body: bone, cartilage, muscle, fat, and skin.

However, many people, are taking the drastic measures of plastic surgery to another level. Instead of enchaning their figure, some people are drastically changing the total appearance of their body.

In most cases, people say that they are “doing it for themselves” but the truth and reality is that they are going through enormous amount of pain to achieve the look that they want but it does not always go to plan.

Why do people do this? It is a way that they wish to stand out and identify themselves as different, or they are not happy with their original appearance, so they seek help from a plastic surgeon.

However, like most things, they become very addictive, and if they cannot accept themselves, they have an extra nip tuck here and there, until they cannot be recognised anymore….

Saturday 19 April 2008

Playing 'God'??

Do you think that it is natural to have a sex change? Is it natural for a man to have child. 2008 is the year that that has happened.

A married man, who used to be a woman said that he was six months pregnant and looking forward to the birth of his "miracle" daughter.
Mr Beatie, who has a wife, Nancy, is legally classified a man after having surgery to remove his breasts and testosterone treatment.

“He was apparently able to conceive because he did not have reconstructive surgery to the lower half of his body, choosing to keep the female reproductive organs he was born with.
He is said to be expecting a daughter.

"How does it feel to be a pregnant man?”
“Incredible," he wrote in The Advocate.
"Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am.”

This child of this couple is going to be something of an object of discussion? Do you think that this is fair to do to an innocent life?

Other similar issues is the aim that homosexual men can have their DNA combined to create a child that is both biologically theirs….
Is this playing “God”?

Friday 18 April 2008

My Comment

My Comment:
I totally agree with this post. most famous / rich people have changed the sanctity of vows into a money making ploy. This is the same for the Rebecca Loose vs. Victoria Beckham incident, and then the women went onto Celebrity X Factor, (or some reality show) just because she had allegedly had sex with a married man…. I found it very interesting that people would go out of their way to create a sight to get this news, well after all it is just a means of making money.
Kiss & Sell


I was shocked to learn that drugs had such a legal input between the 1930-1970s. I knew that the American government were obviously capable of many things, but I underestimated that they could use something so simple as drugs to take the minds of the public away from the war. A very clever and simple strategy to reduce the risk of a revolution or social change, but getting everyone so stoned they were too concerned about hugging a tree than changing the country that they live in.
For example, MK ULTRA was a code name that the CIA gave to test the effects of drugs on the military and to use them where they felt needed. The Vietnam war was causing outrage to the citizens of America, and when incidents like, Pinkville, Song My Massacre and the My Lai Massacre came to light, this caused people to become outraged. The only way that the CIA could get the army to perform the way they wanted, and to get the citizens of the Americans to act the way they needed, was to get them stoned.
Many believe that taking drugs can take them on a spiritual and out of this world experience. But reality of the matter is that, there is so little oxygen going to the brain at this time, and the body is so intoxicated, cells on the brain die, and they body is affected by the drugs, hence why people act the way that they do.

Drugs are never portrayed as to be positive in the media. It is always seems to be a topic of darkness or sin, when in reality, it is as bad as alcohol. I feel that the only reasons why drugs are seen as worse as alcohol are ways that it is brought in and the shame attached. Alcohol is only accepted as it is from the Christian church, Christians believe that the wine symbolises the blood of Jesus and at church Christians break bread and drink wine. This therefore could not be banned, but other drugs have been banned as it has not come from the church but reality is that the affects of alcohol and drugs like marijuana have similar risk and health relations. Alcohol alone costs the NHS £1.6 billion a year.

If drugs were made legal then the trafficking would stop, and drug dealer could be out of business, and they would probably be able to be brought over the counter like cigarettes or alcohol. However, the price would be ridiculously high as every opportunity that the government has to tax something they will, but the down side would be, the police would be out of work, as the majority of the time, especially in Birmingham, crimes and police activity is drug related.
I do not think that everyone would be addicted to drugs, just like everyone isn’t addicted to drink or tobacco. I also think that because something will be legally sold, then the quality of drugs will be safer, as many drugs are contaminated, this would make the junkies out there a lot safer.

Wednesday 16 April 2008


I do not know who thought this film is realistic, or maybe my life is too dull, but I do not know anyone or someone who has a group of friends like this. Yes it is over 10years old, and it’s set in a different place, and is obviously on the other side of the pond, which explains a lot, but this must be or has to be an exageration. At the age of 12, are children really doing these things? Maybe I am blind, or its happening and I do not know about it, but really?
Here are some of the reviews of the film.

“A group of teenagers prowl the streets of New York in search of sex, booze, drugs and other debauched kicks. In a nutshell, a disturbing vision of promiscuous, sociopathic teens rebel-rousing.”

“Disturbing, dark, low-budget independent film about teen-agers growing up in poverty in New York City. The story focuses on Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick), a teen who has a goal to de-flower as many virgins as he can. When one of his old encounters discovers that she is H.I.V.-positive, after only one encounter with a guy, Telly remains undaunted.” Written by

“Disturbing, dark, low-budget independent film about teen-agers growing up in poverty in New York City. The story focuses on Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick), a teen who has a goal to de-flower as many virgins as he can. When one of his old encounters discovers that she is H.I.V.-positive, after only one encounter with a guy, Telly remains undaunted.” Written by

I am from the second city, and at the age of 12, I was too concerned about learning dance routines. I didn’t even know anything about sex, or drugs or anything of that nature. I do thinkn this film was extremely over the top, and is not a true reflection of all citys. Maybe its their parental upbringing, maybe it’s the lack of, but I am glad that I had a “child” hood and was not forced to not have one…..

Thursday 10 April 2008


I think “each to their own” especially on the idea of adultery. Sometimes it’s worse than others. I think if someone is married with children and have a life and family, and a partner cheats, then I think that that is terrible, as its not only one person who will be getting hurt, it will destroy an entire family and destroys childrens lives.When reading the articles it opened my eyes about the concept of adultry. They all say that there are always two sides to every story, but in the case of an affair, there are three, and when you read all the points of view, it makes it easier to sympathize and form an opinion on the matter. This article has given four sides on the idea of the topic ‘an affair‘; the wife- the victim, the husband-betraying, the mistress-the cause and a man who will not leave his wife or have an affair - the door mat. They each give their opinions and emotions about the affair, and the events surrounding it. However, adultry has been accepted for hundreds of years, for example Henry 8th with his many wives and mistresses, famously known “Bowlin Sisters" Religion has banished the acceptance of betrayal, especially in Christianity and Islam, but the fact that it still occurs is relevant.

The worse part on the idea of adultry is betrayl. I think that if someone is not happy, then they should try resolving their problems in the marriage, but if they cannot they simply should separate and not lie or deceive, however, that is easier said than done. I do not think that most people cheat because they want to hurt their partner, I think it’s a simple fact that they can. Take Ashley Cole for example: he cheated on his wife but still, she took him back so therefore , adultry is not an issue for some, where as for many strong people, it is the end of the marriage and the final source of closure.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Body Modification

I can see the attraction of tattoos etc, and i can understand why people want to change their body in a way of remembering someone, or to prove a point. however, the reality is, that fashion changes, so it is worth having something that is going to stick out a mile, or worth the pain or infection that it might cause.

"It is what is called the body art. For some people it is the love for art; and if it is in their body then it is better. People get tattoos based on things they like and see around; sometimes they are symbols of dreams, fantasies, or religion."

When my friends mother passed away, she had a tattoo on her risk if her mothers name and date of birth and when she died, which i feel is sentimental and worthwhile. but i still cannot understand why people would go to extreme lengths to have their entire body covered head to toe in ink....

this is a link of peoples opinions of tattoos

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Who is reponsible for the missing Maddie?

Is the dissaprearance of Madeleine McCann real? The idea that two well educated upper crust people would leave their children alone in a forgein country? Futhermore; the idea that they drugged their children to sleep while they went out to dine? I cannot understand how this can be possible? In this day and age, one does not leave their children alone in the United Kingdom! Let alone in another country, where they don’t know their surrounding? I personally think that this is too suspicious! What do you think? Why did they receive so much attention and press when hundreds of people go missing every year?

“On Wednesday, they said in an ITV documentary that they have received hate mail blaming their "drunken arrogance" for the loss of their daughter.
They said they were inundated with messages of support, as well as letters from psychics, conspiracy theorists and people who thought they should not have left their children alone.
Gerry McCann read out a letter which said: "Your brat is dead because of your drunken arrogance. Shame on you. I curse you and your family to suffer forever."
They had so many letters that they began filing them in cardboard boxes marked with labels such as "Nasty", "Nutty" and "Psychics, Visions, Dreams".
The year since Madeleine disappeared on May 3, shortly before her fourth birthday, had been like "a horror movie", Gerry McCann said.
In a wide-ranging interview with ITV, he said he feared they would be sent to prison after Portuguese police made them official suspects in the case.
"The speculation takes you to the worst places and at that point you know the worst place would have been being charged, potentially being put in jail," he said, according to transcripts released by ITV.”

But know its clear to say... they have their perfect peagon pair like they always wanted!!!

Sunday 30 March 2008

Trafficking in Girls and Women

The problem of trafficking in women for the purpose of prostitution was already known in public at the end of the 19th Century. According to UN reports, girls and women from South and South-East Asia (Burma, China, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam), East Europe (the Baltic, Ukraine) and Latin America (Brazil) are particularly at risk today. The actual number of instances is difficult to estimate however. According to local NGO's, between 200,000 and 2 million women work as prostitutes in Thailand alone.

The women are promised a well-paid job in another country. Their passports are taken away from when they cross the border and they are forced to work in brothels. They are forced to live and work in conditions similar to slaves, as a result of their debt to the traders who have taken over the costs for transport and all incidentals. The social stigmatisation, the violence and the foreign country increases the dependence of the victims. The traditional son preference, poverty, or simply trust leads the parents to sell their daughters to trader rings. Frequently, however, girls and women are forcibly kidnapped.

Trafficking in women is a growing market, comparable in the meantime with the volumes traded in drugs and weapons. This market is fed by the racist and power fantasies of western men who spend their money on possessing sexually and/or permanently available girls and women, and on the similar needs of men in each of the countries. The low social status of the women, the discrimination against the divorced, raped or widowed, as well as their poor general circumstances life (hardly any chance or finding work or getting an education), that has become even worse as a consequence of socio-economic changes in the last few years, makes a contribution to this business so scornful of human life.
What is Being Done Against Trafficking in Women? Since 1904, international agreements on fighting trafficking in women exist, such as the International Agreement on Securing Effective Protection against the Trafficking of Girls of 18th May 1904 (modified in 1949). The International Agreement on Fighting the Trafficking of Girls of 4th May 1910 obliges its member states (status in 1989: 71 signing states) to make the seduction of female minors into prostitution or forced prostitution in their countries an offence against the law. An Agreement on the Suppression of Trafficking Mature Women of 1933 (modified in 1949) also exists.

Friday 21 March 2008


The two characters involved in the Hollyoaks incest storyline...

Incest is identified as ‘sexual relations’ concerning directly linked individuals. The nature of sexual activity and the sort of the relationship between persons that establish a infringement of law and social taboo in a number of by cultures and by jurisdiction.
“The majority of incest cases reported in scientific studies are between adults and prepubescent or adolescent children, and particularly between fathers or other male relatives, and girls. This is a form of child sexual abuse that has been shown to be one or the most extreme forms of childhood trauma, a trauma which often does serious and long-term psychological damage, especially in the case of parental incest.”

Equally agreed adult incest is extremely rare, found exclusively where relations were estranged early in life and consequently did not have or gain early connection or involvement and the ‘related development of the natural adaptation for incest avoidance.’

This is an Austalian couple, who are father and daughter but also in a "relationship." John Deaves, 61, and his daughter, Jennifer Deaves, 39, spoke of their love for each other, which yielded two children.
The pair were convicted in the South Australian District Court in Mount Gambier last month of two counts each of incest relating to the conception of their daughter, Celeste, born last year, and another baby who died in 2001, a few days after birth, from a congenital heart defect.

Wednesday 19 March 2008


I notice in the newspaper a website that helps young girls to STARVE themselves, so that they can loose weight and become so skinny they could die….

Take a look at this….

In the media, women are portrayed to be super skinny, to have no curves and to be as tall as the empire state building.

Sights such as YouTube, MySpace, and FaceBook, allows images and “blogs“ like this.

“Users boast that eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are a "lifestyle choice" and not diseases.” One called "thinspiration", has attracted over 112,000 hits and has comments such as "You will be FAT if you eat today. Just put it off one more day."
Videos with titles such as "40 reasons not to eat" and "how to be bulimic" are too easily to get access off, and are available to millions of internet users.

Also on the sight there are messages from girls as young as 6 desperate to achieve the figures of teeny tiny celebrities and models. One of the starving instructions and “inspiration” states
"Feel your bones. Just wrap your fingers around your wrists or along your collarbone. This will help you realise that you're making progress and will also deter you from eating because you don't want to lose those bones, do you?"
She encourages others to look at the websites frequently to keep themselves motivated, adding: "Do you think you'll want to eat after reading trigger-happy quotes and looking at skinny models?"

"The number of victims of eating disorders has tripled in the last decade in Britain, and adolescent girls are statistically most at risk. "
watch this link if you are interested in peoples opinions....

Friday 14 March 2008


“Call them outlaws, gangsters, crooks, gunslingers, desperados, or any other name, they are still famous for the deeds they did that changed the course of history.”

An outlaw or bandit is someone that lives out side of the law, living the life of “outlawry” (Someone that lived outside of the law)

Though the judgment of outlawry is now old-fashioned outlaws became positive characters in several fictional settings, even though it was based on reality. I.e. Robin Hood, Jessie James, Billy the Kid and Al Capone. Even though outlaw is still used to mean those breaking the law, a bandit or outlaw are those who are living the life of a criminal that merely opposes authority.

“Jesse James (partly) turned to crime as a means of exacting revenge on all things Yankee"
-- Time-Life Books' The Wild West.

"Historically, for every person like Gandhi or Thoreau who disobeyed the law for good reasons, there have been thousands who have disobeyed the law for bad reasons.So, almost all mercenaries and lawless defense agencies have tended to resemble the current militias in Somalia: They're simply murderous, thieving barbarians.Thus, what makes you think that promoting lawless militias would not lead to any instability?"

Sunday 9 March 2008

Honour Killing

An honour killing is generally a punitive murder, committed by members of a family against a member of their family whom the family and/or wider community believe to have brought dishonour upon the family. The person is usually targeted for: refusing an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assult seeking a divorce — even from an abusive relationship— or committing adultrey. It should be noted that the term honor killing applies to killing of both males and females in cultures that practice it. For example, during the year 2002 in Pakistan, it is estimated that 245 women and 137 men were killed in the name of Karo-Kari in Sindh. These killings target women and men who choose to have relationships outside of their family's tribal affiliation and/or religious community....

An honour killing is generally a punitive murder, committed by members of a family against a member of their family whom the family and/or wider community believe to have brought dishonour upon the family. The person is usually targeted for: refusing an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assult seeking a divorce — even from an abusive relationship— or committing adultrey. It should be noted that the term honor killing applies to killing of both males and females in cultures that practice it. For example, during the year 2002 in Pakistan, it is estimated that 245 women and 137 men were killed in the name of Karo-Kari in Sindh. These killings target women and men who choose to have relationships outside of their family's tribal affiliation and/or religious community.
Britain was appalled by the horrific 'honour killing' of a girl murdered by her father for daring to kiss the man she loved...

Thursday 6 March 2008

Caught on camera...

i find it bazaar as to why celebrities would want to video themselves having sex, when they know its going to end up on the internet…
I was flicking the through the E site, and it got me thinking, why do celebrities, that have a successful career (and also a large fan base, made up a young people) want to do these things? Do they think that it is a good career move, or a good example to set to young children? My initial answer, is no, but the worst thing is, it DOES improve the careers of these women….
It just made me realise, should we be buying these magazines to read these articles, and why do we feel the need to be so interested to what people do? Is this safe for our younger sisters, or even children to be in this frame of mind??? could this be the start of many reasons why children want to grow up and have sex so quick??? - 29k -

Monday 3 March 2008


I found this lecture, very, erm, strange. I never thought that id be sitting at Universtiy, learning about masturbation, even though when I spoke to my friends about it, they assumed it was a work shop about how to masturbate or tips and advice! That would have definatley been strange. Appart from the general nature of the lecture, the only thing that really made me alarmed was the lenghts that people would go to stop people from masturbating in previous years.
From the Middle Ages on the conviction gradually grew that masturbation was very bad for a person’s health and wellbeing.
Hippocrates, a Greek physician regarded as the father of medicine, had believed that loss of semen would lead to spinal problems! His text was re-discovered in the Middle Ages. Medieval doctors also declared that seed was a powerful fluid and its loss weakened the body.
An anonymous pamphlet on ‘Onanism, i.e. the abhorrent sin of self-pollution’ in 1710 repeated and enlarged the supposed ills of wasting seed. It was an immediate bestseller, leading to 80 editions in many European languages.
A Swiss doctor called Tissot published in 1760 a booklet ‘Onanism - a Treatise on the Illnesses caused by Masturbation’. He enumerated as consequences: TB, loss of vision, digestive problems, impotence and madness. His views were soon accepted as established medical opinion.
In 1812 Benjamin Rush, the „father of american psychiatry”, attributed to masturbation: impotence, kidney failure, spinal cancer, lung cancer, indigestion, blindness, epilepsy, hypochondria, memory loss, prostate trouble, inner bleeding and death. Psychiatrists generally concurred, such as the leading Brit Maudsley who described the ‘illness’ in 1867 as moving through the stages of perversion of emotions and confusion of mind, to loss of intelligence, nightly hallucinations, homicidal and suicidal tendences, and finally total madn

I cannot imagine how someone would be addmitted to have castrations etc… would they go to the doctor and say I have a problem I cannot stop knuckled shuffling? And then be addmitted to have their pride and joy removed? Or would there be a “Wankers Annoymous” where people would go to confess about their sin and then people would strap them down to be “delt with”. I was doing some research on the topic and found some interesting facts.

Masturbation 'cuts cancer risk'
Researchers were assessing prostate cancer risk
Men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation, researchers suggest.
They say cancer-causing chemicals could build up in the prostate if men do not ejaculate regularly.
And they say sexual intercourse may not have the same protective effect because of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, which could increase men's cancer risk.
Australian researchers questioned over 1,000 men who had developed prostate cancer and 1,250 who had not about their sexual habits.
They found those who had ejaculated the most between the ages of 20 and 50 were the least likely to develop the cancer.
The protective effect was greatest while the men were in their 20s.
Men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer later in life.