Saturday 19 April 2008

Playing 'God'??

Do you think that it is natural to have a sex change? Is it natural for a man to have child. 2008 is the year that that has happened.

A married man, who used to be a woman said that he was six months pregnant and looking forward to the birth of his "miracle" daughter.
Mr Beatie, who has a wife, Nancy, is legally classified a man after having surgery to remove his breasts and testosterone treatment.

“He was apparently able to conceive because he did not have reconstructive surgery to the lower half of his body, choosing to keep the female reproductive organs he was born with.
He is said to be expecting a daughter.

"How does it feel to be a pregnant man?”
“Incredible," he wrote in The Advocate.
"Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am.”

This child of this couple is going to be something of an object of discussion? Do you think that this is fair to do to an innocent life?

Other similar issues is the aim that homosexual men can have their DNA combined to create a child that is both biologically theirs….
Is this playing “God”?

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