Friday 14 March 2008


“Call them outlaws, gangsters, crooks, gunslingers, desperados, or any other name, they are still famous for the deeds they did that changed the course of history.”

An outlaw or bandit is someone that lives out side of the law, living the life of “outlawry” (Someone that lived outside of the law)

Though the judgment of outlawry is now old-fashioned outlaws became positive characters in several fictional settings, even though it was based on reality. I.e. Robin Hood, Jessie James, Billy the Kid and Al Capone. Even though outlaw is still used to mean those breaking the law, a bandit or outlaw are those who are living the life of a criminal that merely opposes authority.

“Jesse James (partly) turned to crime as a means of exacting revenge on all things Yankee"
-- Time-Life Books' The Wild West.

"Historically, for every person like Gandhi or Thoreau who disobeyed the law for good reasons, there have been thousands who have disobeyed the law for bad reasons.So, almost all mercenaries and lawless defense agencies have tended to resemble the current militias in Somalia: They're simply murderous, thieving barbarians.Thus, what makes you think that promoting lawless militias would not lead to any instability?"

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