Wednesday 30 April 2008

Gordon Brown: Cannabis

Gordon Brown's desire to see cannabis reclassified as a Class B drug has received a setback after it emerged that the Government's drug advisory body has decided to recommend it stays in the less serious Class C category.

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) decided at a private meeting yesterday that it will not recommend reclassifying the drug, after 20 of its 23 experts voted there was not sufficient new scientific evidence to justify a change, The Times has learned.
If confirmed, the decision puts the council on a collision course with the Prime Minister, who this week spoke of his determination to send a signal to young people that the use of cannabis was “unacceptable”.

Mr Brown indicated his strong support for reclassifying cannabis as a Class B drug as recently as his monthly Downing Street news conference on Tuesday.

Not going to happen mate, you are not going to pay the police more so therefore they are not going arrest those smoking weed. I don't see the point in making a class B drug as its a soft drug anyway, it does really do that much harm, let people get high, atleast they'l be happy and off it, and they can't exactly go rob a bank, just stare at a tree for a couple of hours!!

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