Wednesday 19 March 2008


I notice in the newspaper a website that helps young girls to STARVE themselves, so that they can loose weight and become so skinny they could die….

Take a look at this….

In the media, women are portrayed to be super skinny, to have no curves and to be as tall as the empire state building.

Sights such as YouTube, MySpace, and FaceBook, allows images and “blogs“ like this.

“Users boast that eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are a "lifestyle choice" and not diseases.” One called "thinspiration", has attracted over 112,000 hits and has comments such as "You will be FAT if you eat today. Just put it off one more day."
Videos with titles such as "40 reasons not to eat" and "how to be bulimic" are too easily to get access off, and are available to millions of internet users.

Also on the sight there are messages from girls as young as 6 desperate to achieve the figures of teeny tiny celebrities and models. One of the starving instructions and “inspiration” states
"Feel your bones. Just wrap your fingers around your wrists or along your collarbone. This will help you realise that you're making progress and will also deter you from eating because you don't want to lose those bones, do you?"
She encourages others to look at the websites frequently to keep themselves motivated, adding: "Do you think you'll want to eat after reading trigger-happy quotes and looking at skinny models?"

"The number of victims of eating disorders has tripled in the last decade in Britain, and adolescent girls are statistically most at risk. "
watch this link if you are interested in peoples opinions....

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