Thursday 6 March 2008

Caught on camera...

i find it bazaar as to why celebrities would want to video themselves having sex, when they know its going to end up on the internet…
I was flicking the through the E site, and it got me thinking, why do celebrities, that have a successful career (and also a large fan base, made up a young people) want to do these things? Do they think that it is a good career move, or a good example to set to young children? My initial answer, is no, but the worst thing is, it DOES improve the careers of these women….
It just made me realise, should we be buying these magazines to read these articles, and why do we feel the need to be so interested to what people do? Is this safe for our younger sisters, or even children to be in this frame of mind??? could this be the start of many reasons why children want to grow up and have sex so quick??? - 29k -

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